So here's that t-shirt design. Actually it has been changed since then but you'll get the idea. Basiclly all we did was remove the state of Illinois from the background for the actual t-shirt.
I still haven't posted any real artwork yet. A new scanner would help but I've put off getting one until I catch up on some doctors bills. Having no dental insurance and getting a wisdom tooth extracted is expensive. Now on top of that my son is in the hospital today to get a scope shoved up his bum. I've got my fingers crossed that everything is ok and they don't find anything. Still haven't heard a peep out of my wife and he's been at the hospital for 2 1/2 hours. I'm just grateful that they sedate kids for procedures like that. I'm sure for an 11 year old gettin anally violated by a doctor and being awake for it would be somewhat traumatic.
Well, hopefully I can get a new scanner ordered next week so I can start posting all the crazy stuff I've been working on lately. Sure would be nice to be gettin paid to create instead of trying to squeeze my artwork in between work and family. Seems like not enough gets done quick enough when trying to finish projects 1 or 2 hours at a time.
Well...Friday night I drank beer...Copious amounts. Saturday morning I went to work (it sucked). Saturday...more beer, trip to Pesotum Il. to check on the progress of recording guitar tracks, drank more beer, went home, and fell asleep early. Sunday, up early, nice breakfast, nap , watched some t.v., napped again, ate food, more t.v. , fell asleep on couch, went to bed. And is pretty much all I did this weekend. Pretty boring right?
Well, I recently finished up a really nice T-shirt design for Centrill 74 Entertainment (Check em out on Facebook folks!). Personally I think this puppy is gonna sell like hotcakes. It's a little easier on the eyes than last years design and is perfect for the "rocker" in us all. Once I get a chance I'll post a pic and you guys can give me a little feedback. Not that it's gonna change anything the ball on this one is now out of my
Now that I'm back to my blog I think I'll work on it some more in the very near future. You can expect alot of very different things from this blog. I'm in a band so there will be band news and of course my usual crazy bullshit. Should be fun...maybe I'll get followers...maybe not. Oh's a start at least.
I've just started this blog so please be patient with me. I'll try to have new stuff up everyday or at least every other day. I don't have one specific style so the work here will always be changing. Thanks.